NaariSakti Awards

Accelerated empowerment and welfare of women all over India is the forerunning goal of SanginiSaheli. In congruence to that, our organization has launched “NaariSakti Awards”, an annual award ceremonial event to honor and celebrate inspiring women who have strongly proved their mettle.

In a world where the upliftment and welfare of women is stifled with gender inequality, poverty and illiteracy, the battle to empower women remains tough yet not impossible. With our NaariSakti Awards, we extend our deep appreciation and recognition to heroic ladies who have overcome the obstacles and constraints of society, laboriously working to maintain their families living, and reached out to other impoverished women, bringing hope, happiness and significant support into their lives too. Real women help raise struggling women out of the fires of torturous poverty and distress. It is this spirit of proactively working to encourage and empower women that we salute while awarding our “sheroes” who are doing whatever it takes to sustain the hardships of their family’s lives and theirs. SanginiSaheli has found many such ladies, who labor in a vast range of income generating jobs from running a small dhaba (eatery), to working multiple jobs, day and night, to taxi driving, the list of tasks they perform daily can go on as does their courageous perseverance.

We sincerely hope that “NaariSakti Awards” boosts the drive of these profoundly heroic women who in equivalence with our organization’s mission are greatly helping to raise underprovided women out of their situations of crisis to a better standard of living where they too can enjoy their rights, freedom, self-respect and have easy access to basic facilities.

Sangini Saheli organization believes that providing equal opportunity for overall growth and development to all children, women, disabled and less-privileged, is every individual’s responsibility and not just the government’s

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Sangini Saheli
