Mathura School - Girl Child Welfare Initiative

SanginigSaheli is largely committed to the empowerment and welfare of underprivileged children all across India. Under the faction of our children’s welfare program ‘OjasviUjjwalBhavishya’, we are executing the ongoing Mathura School rehabilitation initiative. With this project, we aim to make classroom education/academic learning available for as many deprived female children in this area as possible.

In a fast developing nation like India, it is sadly common to see the girl child in poor families repeatedly being the one to forego a chance to be educated, grow her own identity, to gain knowledge and access to her rights, freedom, self-reliance, income opportunities and most importantly her dignity. Mathura hails as a place that promotes the education of girl children from the economically weaker and lower-middle segments of society. The region is a living testimony for noteworthy empowerment of women, promising value addition to their lives for a prosperous future.SanginiSaheli, in its quest to kick start its journey to establish proper school education for girl children in this district, we discovered an over a century old dilapidated, forlorn, school.

The School Before Our Restoration Initiative

Withstanding the harsh tests of time, this historical Mathura school, built in 1906 was reduced to a ramshackle state. Its once functional 12 classrooms spread on two rundown stories of its building, were found in unusable condition where roofs had caved in, walls crumbling down, wild trees and roots growing through the structure, rubble and dust everywhere, no toilets, no power supply and no clean water facilities.

Sangini Saheli organization believes that providing equal opportunity for overall growth and development to all children, women, disabled and less-privileged, is every individual’s responsibility and not just the government’s

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Sangini Saheli
