Domestic Violence – Shakti

From ancient times Indian traditions and religious customs have involved the high regard and worship of the female divinity thus ironically placing the Indian woman on a pedestal. Sadly though, while our nation is transforming into a super developing power, the respect and identity of women is shamelessly still degraded. Women from all walks of life in our country, suffer physical violation at some stage or the other if not many, in their lives. Our Shakti Program spreads awareness and solutions on domestic violence, equipping women with knowledge, courage and means to avoid as well as overcome the pain of violence on them.

In order to curb the rise of domestic violence with women across India, SanginiSaheli along with the much appreciated support of local Police and DLSA (Delhi State Legal Services Authority) conducts ‘open mic’ events in and around Delhi NCR .This is a platform provided for the distressed/oppressed women to stand up for their rights, to voice their pain fearlessly. They are made aware of their rights and options for help during their emergency. Since domestic violence does result in physical and mental trauma, the open mic events for women also includes medical check-ups and psychological counseling as a vital part of the program. We hope to expand this movement across every state of the country very soon.

Sangini Saheli organization believes that providing equal opportunity for overall growth and development to all children, women, disabled and less-privileged, is every individual’s responsibility and not just the government’s

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