As the world took the relentless lashing of the Covid 19 pandemic waves, one of the leading problems that plagued our country was the health and safety of women and children all over. Rural female populace in India suffered the most in these fatally testing times during and post the lockdowns. SanginiSaheli found the women absolutely helpless, some without access to basic sanitary like menstrual pads, soap, masks, clean water, proper clothes and rations.In a rapidly advancing India, there is sadly still a large population of underprovided womenwho suffer due to lack of awareness, accessibility, education and financial freedom. This results in poor menstrual health, compromised overall well-being along with scarce hygiene management amongst them.

Our dedicated team of members and volunteers at SaginiSaheli decided to tackle this alarming condition of these disadvantaged women with quick action. For a destitute woman, the Herculean task to be able to evolve from the taboo and shame associated with menstruation, acknowledge and overcome related health risks and to seek the right solutions has slim chances and countless hurdles. With that in mind, we spread out to small localities and slums all around Delhi and Noida, to identify and resolve the difficulties these ladies were facing and engaged them in awareness talks on menstruation, personal hygiene and health. We distributed sanitary pads to the women while instructing them on how to use them so as they can have a healthier menstrual cycle alongside improving their mental and physical wellness too.

From May 16, 2021 to the present, SanginiSaheli has actively distributed 1,860,980 sanitary pad packets to women in various locations across 11 states in India. Overcoming numerous obstacles to reach some of the most remote village areas across the country we extensively covered Gandoh and Doda in Jammu, Sundarban in Bengal and Sangrur District Jail to name a few. Our organization is also obsessively working toward setting up free sanitary pad vending machines/booths as well as small sanitary pad manufacturing units across several regions of the nation.

SanginiSaheli’s menstrual health and hygiene drive continues to greatly advance since it started out but not without seasoning our volunteers with in-depth knowledge and grit to successfully battle the challenges and resolve such situations of crisis. We highly appreciate our persevering, brave team of SanginiSaheli who demonstrate their unflinching support and help execute the drive efficiently in various cities/regions of our Indian states.


Sanitary pads distributed during Covid-19 Lockdown


Free Covid Test Kits


Mask Distribution


Hand Gloves Distribution


PPE Kits Distribution


Other Help

Sangini Saheli organization believes that providing equal opportunity for overall growth and development to all children, women, disabled and less-privileged, is every individual’s responsibility and not just the government’s

Contact Info

Sangini Saheli
